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Barking at night

22 15:54:25

recently, my (adult/new)sugar glider has been barking very early in the morning(anytime between 1am and 4am.)Sometimes he stops when I go out to see him and sometimes he doesn't and keeps barking for a few minutes. What can this mean? What can I do to have him stop barking so early?

Dear Lori:

Barking in the wee hours of the morning is very normal.  Sugar gliders bark for many reasons.  First of all, since they are nocturnal, that's the time it usually occurs.  They bark to locate other gliders, to sound a warning or to summon their owners to play.  Some people claim that their gliders tend to bard more with the full moon.  I have not noticed this to be the case with my gliders.  We do not understand all the reasons that sugar gliders bark and I seriously doubt that you will be able to stop it and for sure won't be able to control what time he decides to bark.  

Sugar gliders do best in pairs.  It may be that he is lonely, so it may help to get a friend for him, but honestly, all of my gliders are in pairs or in colonies and most of them still bark for one reason or another, so while it will make your little guy happier than being along, it will not usually stop the barking.  

For this reason, most people, including myself, have found another location for their sugar gliders other than in the bedroom.  

Best of luck,
