Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > food they cant have

food they cant have

22 15:44:43

i have been trying to find out what foods my sugar gliders can and cannot have. every time i think i have the answers i find another web site or person telling me differently. i want to feed them fresh foods but i am really confused on what to give them!


I completely understand your problem.  I am also confused about all the information out there on the Internet.  It is the same for us humans.  We can drive ourselves crazy trying to keep up with what is good for us.  

My own strategy is to stick with what is obviously safe.  I use BML and two different already prepared glider diets found at  I add eggs, chicken, yogurt, ordinary fresh fruits and veggies.  I try to avoid anything that is questionable.  My gliders do love grapes, though, so they get them once in a while.  Do avoid things that would upset their systems, such as salt, spices, avocado, chocolate, too many nuts, etc.  The way I see it is "better safe than sorry."  If you never give them the questionable stuff, they won't miss it.  

Does that help?  You may want to go to my website and check the diet information and links:

Thanks, good luck!
