Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Is My Sugar Glider Bonding With Me?

Is My Sugar Glider Bonding With Me?

22 15:51:17

Hi Betty!
Me again (:
I bought Bubbles a large sized cage yesterday evening and she's so much happier now! I can tell that her breeder and the pet store owner had been keeping her in a tiny cage all her life and it was a delight seeing her jump and climb the walls and branches in the cage.

This is her second day in the bonding pouch (she is eating some fruit inside it as I type) and today she actually slept in it for an hour before waking up. When she awoke, I heard a bit of crabbing and a few clucking noises caused by seemingly nothing at all. However, she allows me to feed her fruit and she will eat from my hand. I may even stroke her while she eats! Would you say this bonding is off to a good start?

Also, I have put a little blanket she had in her cage with her since I got her, in the pouch. Will having her "baby blanket" with her in our bonding pouch slow down the bonding process?

I've never had a glider before or even known anyone who does, so I'm completely new to her. Thanks for all your help! (:



It sounds like you are off to a great start with Bubbles.  Be patient and be kind, and I'm sure it will be no time before you are Bubbles' best friend!  

Having the baby blanket is a good idea.  It will make her feel more comfortable in her new surroundings.  Have you checked out my website?  nc.sugar,

Good luck.  Please keep in touch.
