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Sugar gliders eating their babies

22 15:53:30

I recently lost my female glider due to unknown circumstances. She left behind two male baby gliders as well as their dad. Tonight i went to go feed them and I couldn't find one of the babies. I looked in their pouch and found his remains. I'm just wondering if the loss of the female was the stress factor or if it's something els? Also should I separate the other baby from him?


This is a very difficult situation to respond to.  

There are many reasons why the father could have done that.  Was this their first set of babies?  How old are the joeys?  Could the babies have been ill or handicapped? He could have done it because of the stress of losing his mate.  

I think you should watch them carefully to see how the father is treating the joey.  If you see nurturing behaviors, then they should be fine together.  If the father seems to be aggressive, or neglects the baby, then they need to be separated.  Is the joey at least eight weeks old?  I could be of more help if I knew the answers to these questions.  Good luck, please keep in touch.  
