Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > not bonding

not bonding

22 15:54:09

we purchased 2 babies 8 weeks ago-a boy and a girl. we play w/ both every night-make vitamin and yogurt mixture- feed them nightly on our fingers. the girl is absolutely adorable. she kisses my face-won't part from me-won't wander off of me- she stays right on me when not in pouch or cage- on the other hand the boy is getting meaner and meaner.after we get him calmed down by holding him in his pouch and finally getting him camled down w/ his yogurtt mixture he is bearable.he won't even let us talk to him in the cage. he looks as if he could jump at us and eat us alive. LOUD-LOUD he'll scare you to death. We're thinking of just keeping the girl but we don't want to hurt her by loosing him.please tell us what else we an do ?

it looks like the girl is just bonding alot quicker to you then the boy is is all....sometimes it takes a while for a glider to bond with its owner but if you keep up the playing with him and holding him and feeding him treats from your hand and finger he will eventually come around and see you as a friend and not the enemy.....just be patient with him....he'll come around eventually to liking you like the girl does.....