Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Questions


22 15:54:31

    I have a lot of questions so bare with me. First, why are they so expensive?  
Would a pair be healthy if I gave them apples, bananas, oranges, and mealworms?
Is there a better website to ask my questions at?
Do Sugar Gliders have fast motabolisms like hamsters?
If I were to describe what I don't want, that would have to be the large consumption of water, food, and the cleaning of bedding! I have a hamster and I'm sick of him crapping all over the place to where I have to change the bedding every 2-3 days! But, changing a PAN of bedding every week would be fine with me. The hamster is in a 10 gallon tank so cleaning is a pain. I have to use litter for him now because he smells. Although he is cute and the smartest hamster I've ever seen, he is still a pain. Any advice or websites to get me started would be great. Thanks, Alec

gliders are considered exotic animals so that may be why they are so expensive....fruits and veggies and mealworms are all good things for can get a big cage with the litter pan underneath it for poop and things like that that are is a good website that gives lots of info about gliders and what they are like as pets