Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > 1 or more SGs better

1 or more SGs better

22 15:54:53

dear experts
im really worried.
a lot of ppl i noe have more than one sugar gliders... but me, i only have one. is that a problem?will she die?do i have to get another one? please please please answer.i am truly worred. thnks for ur time. petra

Dear Petra:

  In the wild, sugar gliders live in colonies of multiple gliders.  They are social animals and they play, sleep, eat together.  We always recommend having a friend for your glider, because being nocturnal, no matter how much time you spend with them, they will still be alone during their waking hours while you are asleep.  

   If your sugar glider has plenty of toys and you spend many hours with it each day, it will not die from being alone, but it would be happier with a friend.