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sugar glider introduction

22 15:54:19

I have afemale sugar glider she is approx. 7 months old . I had bonded well with her untl we had 3 back to back, out of town deaths in our family. I took her with me, but our normal time together was seriously interrupted. She got out of her cage in my van and I tried to catch her and she bit the fire out if me. Needless to say I have a little leary. But we have been trying. Meanwhile, I have accomated a male.He is quite a bit larger.He is also very nervous and defensive.I put him in a cage next to her. They are "talking" to each other at night,but I would like advice on how to safely introduce them and keep anxiety down for both of them as well as bond with them personally and possibly breed them.

Dear Lisa:

I am sorry to hear of the deaths in your family.  I had something similar happen last year when the last of my joeys were coming out of pouch, I had several that were not as hand tamed as I would have liked.  You just have to redouble your efforts and spend time with her.  

I might suggest you use a bonding tent.  This is a small 2 person tent you can purchase at Walmart.  You go in the then with the glider in a pouch and a toy and some treats.  You let the glider out of the pouch and they can explore and come to you in their own time.  It is usually more relaxing than trying to keep them on your hand.  In this way, they can get to know you better on their own terms.  

If you are interested in bonding with them and having them as pets, I would get get your male neutered.  It really is the best way to be able to concentrate on your pets as pets, cut down on odor, decrease the chances that the male will injure the female and not have to deal with all the special problems that can occur with breeding exotic animals.  

If, however, you do decide to breed them, make sure you thoroughly research everything related to breeding sugar gliders, including special diet for the female and emergency measures should she reject the joeys.  

I can give you advice on how to safely introduce them, however, there is no guarantee that they will get along first time without any anxiety.  Usually they go together without any problems, but there is no gauge to tell beforehand if they will get along or not.  

Here is the answer to a previously asked question.  I hope you don't mind that I cut and paste:

The proper way to introduction is to start out with two cages across the room from each other.  Then, gradually move the cages closer together while switching the pouches every other day or so.  After about two weeks, you make the first introduction.

The first introduction should be made during the day while both gliders are still groggy and half asleep.  Take both gliders to a neutral area, such as a bathroom or other small space.  I suggest having two people with towels to use to help separate them if they begin to fight.  

If they get along, put them together in the same clean cage with clean pouches (making sure to put in extra pouches in case one needs to get away) and watch them.  I have seen fights and injuries occur up to 3 days following an introduction.  I also recommend having at least two feeding stations.  

If they do not get along, separate them and try again a week later.  Repeat the process once a week.  If after 4 or 5 tries, it begins to look like there is no progress, you may have a couple of gliders that will not get along.  

Fighting is loud crabbing and the two gliders will generally become linked together and roll.  

Sometimes there is one dominant glider that will chase the other and nip and/or take over the food source.  

You might see them get along fine while sleeping during the day, but signs of dominance and fighting during waking hours.  This will sometimes decrease and sometimes it will not.  You have to watch them carefully and make sure one or both of them does not become injured.

It is possible that they won't get along, but I would try again.  Best of luck.
