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Fear of Biting

22 15:54:19

How can I get over my fear of getting bitten?  "Bling" bit me in the beginning because I was not told in the beginning to handle my joey, but that all I needed to do was wear him.  I have a small tent that he and I play in, but he still fears my hands...and I fear his bite. Any suggestions? I got him at the end of Oct. of 2007, approx 3 months ago.

if he wasnt handled as a joey he just doesnt trust you completly yet but he will come around after a while if you keep playing with him and holding him....try not to pull back and move your hand when he does bite cause that only tells him he can get you to stop doing something just by biting you....I know it can be frustrating at time but just keep playing with him and interacting with him and he will come to realize that your hand is not the enemy.....