Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > not walking properly..

not walking properly..

22 15:53:37

Hi, i just noticed my glider having a little hard time walking like other gliders in the sense where his hind legs are quite far apart and he doesn't hop much.. he just crawls.. but he can still climb in his cage as i put his pouch high up.. help me out here..


I've been concerned about your Sugar Glider.  Please give me an update.


Hi Kiera,

It sounds like your glider needs an immediate dose of calcium and a regular regimen of calcium supplements.  Sugar Gliders are prone to something called Hind-End Paralysis due to calcium deficiency.  Please take your baby to a veterinarian as soon as possible.  This condition needs to be corrected now!

Good luck, please keep in touch.
