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New Sugar Glider Noise

22 15:54:17

I just got a sugar glider, most of the noises he's made are crabbing and barking. We are still learning about each other. But he just made a noise I've never heard from him and I haven't been able to find anything on the internet. It's a little hard to explain though....
It reminded me of a really really quite guinea pig noise...
Sort of like a laugh, extremely quite though. I had just given him some mealworms, and I was just petting him and talking to him in his pouch. And he was just looking at me and making that noise. What do you think it could mean?

Dear Rena:

Congratulations on your new sugar glider.  You are in luck!  I had a guinea pig once, so I know exactly what sound you mean.  In sugar gliders, it's a very soft quiet melodic chortle.  I call it their yum-yum noises.  They usually make that noise when they are especially enjoying their treats.  I think he was very happy with his mealies and attention.

Best of luck,
