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My daughters glider

22 15:54:56

Hi Laurie,
About 4 years ago we got my daughter a sugar glider joey for Christmas. We got him from a good breeder and he was prebonded to my daughter for a month before we picked him up. We sent shirts with pockets that my daughter wore constantly for a week to the breeder. We also had the glider neutered. She did pay attention to him and spent a lot of time with him but she didn't handle him a great deal.
About a year ago my daughter moved out, she is in college now. She has had almost no contact with him since she moved out.
Now the glider's cage is in my 10 year old son's room because we have 3 cats and my son's room is the only one we can keep the cats out of, although the glider has no fear of the cats.
I am greatly concerned because I don't think it is good for the glider to be stashed away into a back room and left alone. He gets fed well, has a huge cage and has lots of toys but he doesn't get handled or played with.
I really don't want to give him away but I am clueless about what to do with him. Can I get him used to me or bonded to me? Especially after being left alone for a year?
What can I do to make the quality of this little guy's life better? He is so sweet and good, he deserves better.

Dear Tracy,

Your feelings are correct on this matter.  As a breeder, I try to talk to people about the future, i.e. college, marriage and having kids.  These major life changes are all reasons that people give up their gliders and create rescues.  I applaud you for wanting to do the best for the glider.  

At a minimum, he should have a friend.  Introducing two adult sugar gliders can be a little tricky and if you decide to go that route, I would encourage you to email me directly at for more detailed information.  

But to answer your initial question.  Yes, I do think you can bond with a single glider that has been left alone for a year, especially if you have been the caregiver.  It may take longer than with a small joey, but if you are committed to this little boy, he will learn to love and trust you.  

He may bite, but depending on the amount of time you spend with him, he can learn to love you.  Time, love and patience.  

Here is a link to some bonding tips:

My contact information is on my website:  

I will be happy to discuss with you personally any issues with regard to bonding with him and/or introducing a friend to his world.  

Have a wonderful holiday and best of luck with this little boy.