Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > sugar gliders.

sugar gliders.

22 15:44:59

my grandmother has two gliders one boy one girl. she found the male at the bottom of his cage and went to pick him up to find he has passed. they have been 100% okay up tel now. we live in las vegas and it gets pretty hot out here could the heat maybe have had a hand in his passing? will the female glider be okay? what are some things to watch out for in the female? we just gave her some food and she ate it but we dont think she knows he is gone yet. please help!


Are the gliders living outdoors?  The heat might have been responsible for your male's passing.  If you can't bring the female indoors, please make sure she has plenty of water and shade.  Look for odd behavior.  To check for dehydration, lift the fur at the nape of the neck.  When you let go, if it tents and doesn't immediately go back down, then she is dehydrated.  

I strongly suggest you bring the female inside.  Give her plenty of attention to help her get over the grief.  Please get her a new companion as soon as possible.  I hope this helps.  

Good luck,
