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neuturing males sugar gliders

22 15:53:42

I have two 2 year old nonneutered males brothers that have been together since birth. My bf and I adjusted them to their home and have been with us for the past year and 8 months and are comfortable with our scents, and everything is fine with us. Expect over the past three months Occi, the dominant male who is more outgoing and adventurous, has been mounting Hobbes, the more timid pouch dwelling one. In the beginning the attacks seemed to be more of a fight between them and Hobbes would run off. Though Occi is stronger than Hobbes and is mounting him more often. At first we thought they were defining their dominance though it has continued and is becoming more frequent. Is this signs of establishing dominance, and if so is there a time frame to which we can expect it to stop, will it stop? We are considering neutering them both, but would this aid in lowering the aggressive nature of Occi towards Hobbes? Or would you suggest separating them from eachother. We have no females, and don't want to expand the family beyond the two. In looking for answers a lot of people stated they don't suggest combining males, though only if they were not introduced at a young age which they were. Would you say that neutering is a good idea to lessen their aggressive nature, but if the mountings continue would separation be best? Thank you any advice you an give.


Hello Vic,

I am not experienced with having two males living together, although I do know that siblings should get along fine.  Yes, neutering should lessen the aggressive behavior.  I would suggest getting Occi neutered first.  It could be that Hobbes will not need to be neutered.  I wouldn't separate them unless it seems absolutely necessary for their safety.  I wish I had more advice for you, but I hope this helps.  Keep in touch.
