Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Trio


22 15:53:35

I have two female sugar gliders and I was hoping some where down the line to get a male, I was wondering after I bonded them could I put them together and they'd be fine? I would like to breed them. The females are not related but were raised together and now are a year old. I saw some other people do it but I wanted to make sure before I got him. Thanks so much.

ANSWER: Hello Lenae,

Sure, the females would love to have a male companion!  You will want to get a male of about the same age as the females.  Since the females are mature, but still young enough to accept a new colony member, I would suggest getting the male soon.  

Do you know how to introduce new gliders to one another?  It will not take too long for two females to adjust to having a male companion.  Let me know if you need help introducing them to one another.  

Good luck.  Having joeys is a fascinating experience.  Please keep in touch.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: That's great, thanks. I do but if you have any advise on the matter it would be great. If you need to know anything about my girls that might help please feel free to ask.
Thanks so much.

Hi Lanae,

It is hard to predict how introductions will go.  It all depends on the personalities of the individual gliders.  Since yours are young, it shouldn't be difficult.  You'll just have to wait and see.  Sometimes they just cuddle with each other immediately, with no fuss at all.  At other times, it could take weeks for them to get used to one another.  Let me know how it goes.
