Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > female sugar glider has 2 bold spots on head.

female sugar glider has 2 bold spots on head.

22 15:53:05

I have a femal, 6 month old, sugar glider who has 2 bold spots on the top of her head on either side of her black strip that goes down the middle of her body. I also have a male sugar glider so I know that it is normal for the males to have a bold spot on the top of their head because they have a sent gland; however, I have never heard of a female having a bold spot let alone 2, so I was hoping you could help me figure out what might be the cause for this.

Hello Ashley,

Your female should not have a bald spot.  She is losing hair for some other reason.  Here are some things to look for:

*  Over-grooming
*  Stress
*  Parasites  
*  Dry skin
*  Improper diet

If none of these seem to be causing the baldness, she may have a medical condition.  You will need to see a veterinarian.  

I hope this helps.  Please contact me if you have any other questions.  Thanks!
