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Sugar Gliders Diet

22 15:53:06

Hi there Betty, how are you doing?

I've finally got myself a pair of gliders 4 months ago, the male (6mths) is a month older than the female(5mths).

They are currently on HPW diet, fresh fruits and Gliderade, ocassionally I feed them some Royal Canin Kitten kibbles as well.

My female is always munching away when it comes to food, but her size is very small compared to the male and her limbs doesn't looked strong, she'll get her nails stucked at the pouch and cause difficulties in moving (try to pull herself free).

Would like to ask, do I need to feed them anything else for more nutrient? Could it be the honey from HPW diet (I use normal honey, should I use something better)?

Their daily diet:
1 tablespoon of HPW diet & 1/2 teapoon Gliderade
1/2 tablespoon of fresh fruits (combination of 3 different kinds)

Most often they'll almost finsh the HPW diet but would take little to none of the fruits. Apples, mandarin oranges, dragon fruits, kiwi, pear, guava, peach and rose apples.

Would like to hear your recommendation and suggestions. Hope you can give me some insights of what am I doing wrong. Cause the other gliders that are on similar diet seems to grow fit and healthy.

Hi Alex,

I'm fine, thanks!

Congratulations on your new gliders.  First, please keep your gliders' nails trimmed.  if you need directions, go to my website:

Female gliders are generally smaller than males, and your female is still quite young.  How much does she weigh?  The average adult glider is about 100 grams.  

I looked up the HPW diet.  It looks pretty good, but BML has other ingredients that will provide additional nutrients.  The calcium supplement is especially important, since it strengthens their tiny bones and protects against hind-end paralysis.  I feed my gliders BML, fruits and veggies, and occasionally meal worms or crickets. It is pretty amazing that your gliders don't like fruits.  Mine go crazy over them.

Here's my recipe for BML:
The Basic BML Mixture

1/2 cup Honey, do not use honeycomb, raw or unfiltered honey, Most store bought Honey is the one to use unless it uses one of the three words above

1 Egg, boiled or scrambled (I Microwave Mine)
The shell is OPTIONAL, if your blender does NOT break the shell down into miniscule pieces do not use it. I break the egg down before putting it into the blender

1/4 cup of Apple Juice, just the good ole apple juice that you and I would drink, Not frozen, not baby juice, just regular bottle apple juice. (I vary the kind of juice)

1 4oz bottle PREMIXED Gerber juice with yogurt (Mixed Fruit or Banana) both have yogurt mixed in, the fluid is creamy colored. For those that can not find this, you may substitute 2 oz of plain yogurt and 2 oz of mixed fruit juice (I use Nouriche smoothie)

Blend well, Turn off blender, add the next group of ingredients.
1 Teaspoon of Rep-Cal HERPTIVITE vitamin supplement.
Blue label on a white plastic container, DO NOT SUBSTITUTE this supplement(from pet store, or online).

2 teaspoons Rep-Cal Calcium Supplement non-phosphorus with Vit. D3. Pink label on a white plastic container (from pet store, or online)

2  2 1/2 oz. jars of baby food chicken  
The chicken will say either Chicken with Chicken Gravy or Chicken with Chicken Broth. (You could use one whole cooked chicken breast)

Blend well again, Turn off Blender, add next group of ingredients.
Note:  If you are doubling the recipe, pour blended mixture into large bowl and stir in the next group of ingredients.   

1/4 cup Wheat Germ

1/2 cup dry baby cereal. (Mixed or Oatmeal)

Blend well , turn off blender, pour into freezer container, or ice cube trays and FREEZE, 1 cube in ice cube tray is approx. 2 tablespoons (I pour into small paper or plastic disposable cups). It will freeze to the consistency of ice cream.

Good luck, please keep in touch.
