Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > single glider?

single glider?

22 15:51:08

I got 2 sugar gliders from somebody and I just lost one and I wanted to no if I can keep my other one by herself or how long I should wait to get another one for her she is more bonded with me then the one I lost and I don't want to give her up but I can't afford to get a second one at the moment how long can she be by herself?


The sooner you get her a companion, the better.  If she is alone, you will need to give her special attention.  Carry her with you sometimes and hold her in the pouch to make her feel warm and secure.  Play with her whenever she is awake.

Check Craigslist and your local classifieds.  Often you can find gliders at a reasonable price that way.  Where do you live?  

Good luck,
