Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > my sugar glider hates me.

my sugar glider hates me.

22 15:54:51

hey there. i bought sugar gliders a couple months ago, a boy and a girl. Joey and Joina, I've somewhat bonded with Joey we hang out in the bathtub, he jumps on top of my head, sleeps in my pocket, and that good stuff. Joina still won;'t do that. She'll only take treats from me in the morning when i put my finger in the pouch, but when i stick my hand in the cage she runs and crabs, she won't let me take her out and play, or even pet her. She was abused when i got her, by other sugar gliders. But she let the breeder play with her. So what I'm trying to say is how do i make her like me like she likes her breeder. Bribes don't work, I've been walking around in the pouch with them, that doesn't work, and talking to them doesn't work.  

bonding with gliders does take time and I see you said she was abused before you got her, that will only make it take longer for her to built trust in you and know that you are ok.....just give her time and I am sure she will come around to trusting you eventually,,,,some gliders bond quickly and some not as quickly....just keep doing what you are doing with the treats and pouch and sooner or later she will come to realize that you are not the enemy....