Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > lost glider in toilet wondering where its gone

lost glider in toilet wondering where its gone

22 15:44:26


i left my glider in my bathroom with sufficient supply of food and water. i close up all poosible holes, windows, drain covers and even the toilet lid was down. i came back after a week and find my glider isnt there.. please help me.. i reli cant seem to figure out where it might have dissapeared too.. i checked every corner.. its jus impossible to escape the toilet like that..
pls help. thank you

I am not sure how I can help in this situation.. he must be in the house somewhere..!! In the evening sit with the lights turned down and perhaps he will make an appearance.. gliders like to hide in too many places.. mine prefer my base speakers for some reason.. best of luck and keep me posted! What a Mystery ?_0