Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > adult sugar glider

adult sugar glider

22 15:45:00

I have a sugar glider, and she is currently about 6 months old.
But she is still a lot smaller than other sugar gliders i have seen that were (probably) full grown.
So i was wondering, how old are sugar gliders when they are full grown?
Are there anything that's important for me to feed her so that she grows like she should?
hope you can help!


Your glider is just a baby!  Gliders are not fully grown until they are about a year old.  

Diet is extremely important.  Gliders should have protein, calcium, and fruits and vegetables.  Good protein sources are eggs, chicken, and yogurt.  I feed my gliders BML.  You can get my recipe and other glider information from my website:

I hope this helps.  Good luck,
