Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > considering it..

considering it..

22 15:51:29

Hi Betty, good to meet you. I am pretty into pets, I've worked at 2 pet stores, one currently. My passion has been mostly reptiles but after I took a look at one of these guys I just have to have one. So I guess what my main question is. How are they as pets? Are they dependable, as in will they run away from you? I mean obviously in any pet you have to put some work in it, but I'm curious to know that it'll be worth it. Any answers you have and any further information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!

Hi Jordan,

Gliders are great pets, if you are willing to put in some time and effort.  My son likes reptiles, too, but marsupials are completely different.  They will bond with you, but you'll have to spend time getting them to trust you.

You really have too many questions for me to answer here.  Please go to and read their section about deciding if gliders are the right pet for you.  Once you have read what is available on that site, then write back with any specific questions you have.

Thanks!  I'll be looking forward to hearing from you later.
