Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > mother died have two babies

mother died have two babies

22 15:54:39

They are about a month and a half I believe. They have there tiny claws and color on skin. They are very tiny. The mother sugar glider was my sons. We took her to are vet today. She was fighting something in her body and did not make it. She passed a few hours ago. I talked to my vet 20 min after she passed. It's late right now so I can't think straight.
What my question is? How long do I wait till after each feeding? Can you help.

Dear Patti:

I am sorry for your loss.  It sounds like the joeys are much younger than a month and a half.  At 6 weeks they should have good furry coats and you won't see their skin.  If you see color on their skin, this leads me to believe that they are much, much younger (only days out of pouch).  

Here is a link that will give you all of the information that you need to take care of them.

My suggestion at this point is every three hours, but make sure you stimulate the vent to make it urinate and move its bowels after each feeding.  The mother will usually do this by licking.  

You have a very long road ahead and it will not be easy.  If  in fact they are only days old, the prognosis is not great, but you have a chance.  I will keep you and these little babies in my prayers.  
