Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > I have a mean female sugar glider

I have a mean female sugar glider

22 15:44:53

I recently got two sugar gliders for my birthday. the male
is fine and the female is very mean. the male is already
jumping hand to hand and fell asleep in my palm the other
day. the female has bit me a million times drawing blood.
when we got them the male was at 10 weeks and the female was
at 16. I'm not sure if its an age difference or not but. I
will admit I have made a few mistakes at the start. The
first day I brought her home she was a biter and I
researched how to stop it and I tried the whole thumb in the
mouth trick. and she ended up biting me hard under my nail.
and it freaked me out and I threw her. I know this sounds
terrible, but it was onto a blanket. But either way I'm sure
it really scared her and wasnt the best impression for the
first day in our home. and ever since then she doesnt leave
her pouch ever but a few seconds at night to get food and
water and then bolts back to the pouch. She still accepts
treats. I just know I messed up bad and I want her to love
me. Is there anything I can do?


I have been in this same situation many times before.. and though it never gets easier I do learn from each and every glider I have turned in as a rescue..

The "thumb in mouth" method you mentioned I have never heard of before.. I am not quite sure why anyone would suggest that method as it doesn't seem to make much sense to me.. I mean it would be crazy to do with a tiger or cat or canine.. so why would it work or a sugar glider..??

Gliders have VERY sharp teeth as you have found out.. they curve in a way that they could cause serious damage to you if they wanted to.. thankfully gliders are not vindictive.. they can just be a little reclusive is all..

I have also flung a glider before... so no worries as I do understand.. It was when I first got into these sugar gliders.. my little one landed on a nearby chair thankfully.. and it was purely out of fear and shock as I was holding a camera at the time and he totally surprised me..!! He never bit me but totally took me by surprise..!! Luckily it turned out alright.. but I have since learned not to react when that happens.. the best way to overcome the shock is to let them leap over and over.. my gliders love it even now..

but the past is the past.. there are a few other tricks I could pass your way.. Something we ALWAYS do before handling gliders is use an alcohol based hand sanitizer.. it was actually my 17 year old daughter who came up with this idea as she is the bravest one in the family usually the 1st to handle any of the vicious and antisocial gliders we get in.. she has been bitten more than anyone I know.. and still she is the 1st to want to try to help in the aid to rehabilitation.. she is my little fearless glider tamer.. lol

Why it works..?? well "if" a glider decided to nip you the taste is not pleasant.. which discourages the behavior.. it also is handy for covering up any "other" smells you may have on your hands (like food smells) and it a good practice for keeping both yourself and your gliders healthy.. it's good handling practice..!!  

Whatever damage was done can be undone.. it will just take time and patience.. In the meantime I would handle her with some type of welding gloves until he learns that biting will not get her way.. Hold onto her and let her crap and complain.. she will see that you mean her no harm.. I have used this method many times in the past successfully.. they will crab and whine and struggle to be free but over time you will show her that no harm will come to her in your care.. try giving her treats as a reward.. she may not take them at 1st.. but she will eventually take them.. but please consider that you will need all of your patience as it may take a VERY long time to rehabilitate her.. just you feeding her every night makes her aware.. you can also try bonding with her during her sleeping hours so she familiarizes herself with your scent.. the more you do with her the better she will get.. we handle our gliders so often.. I don't think you could ever handle them too much..!!

Best Wishes..& Best of Luck
