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My glider

22 15:54:04

Hello, My name is Christy and I have a glider problem...I have two girls, luna who is about 4 and Nova, Lunas offspring, who is a year old...for the past 3 night Nova has been crying all night! I cant figure it out.... is she constipated maybe? I also notice sometimes Luna will steal her food she showing domination?  why is my baby Nova crying like that? I feel so sad for her hearing that cry. I need help with my baby..thank you so much for your time* Love & Protection

Dear Christy:

It is very hard by telling my that she was crying all night to know what you mean.  Gliders make several different noises.  I have never heard one cry, so I am not sure what noise she is making.  They make a loud noise when they are angry or scared.  Some people say it sounds like a chainsaw.  This noise is crabbing.  They make a noise - usually at night that sounds like a small dog barking.  This noise is call barking.  They make some soft hissing and chorteling noises when they eat or are happy.  

If your glider was barking all night, this is quite normal and nothing to worry about.  Crabbing is a different story.  She could be constipated, but this is usually noticed by them trying to poop, but straining and hissing.  If you suspect constipation, feed a little canned pumpkin and push fluids.  

If you suspect your glider is sick, go ahead and take her to the vet who can tell you by examining her if she is ill or not.  

Best of luck with this baby.
