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Male Sugar Gliders

22 15:44:40


I have 4 Sugar Gliders, 2 males and 2 females.  The males 3 years old and 3 months old.  The females are 2 years old and about 1 year old.  I currently have the 2 females and the 3 month old male together.  I woul dlike to put the 3 year old male with them but I and ver scared about doing that.  I have had them all out at once in the bathroom and they seemed okay untliu the two males got close enough to really start smelling each other and then they started to squabble.  I am looking into getting the 3 m onth old nuetered.  Do you think it would work by putting them all together at some point????

Introductions are sometimes very hard to do.. and sometimes very easy

I have introduced gliders that were strangers and they get along just fine.. and other times not so good.. all you can do is try the different techniques and see how an introduction goes and go from there..

I have a few other articles that discuss the "bonding / introductory" techniques and I encourage you to look a few of those over.. there is also a large variety of information available on the internet as well..

I mostly have troubles in the female department.. it seems that always the girls are the ones whom play a possessive role.. the males I have worked with seem to be much more cordial..

Best of Luck!

kaden O_o