Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > joeys vs. adults

joeys vs. adults

22 15:53:02

QUESTION: at what age do you think is best to start bonding with a glider in there joey stage or adult stage and how many time would you say a 4month old joey should eat and can it eat a normal glider diet or more soft fods such as bannanas,yogerts,ect please answer when you have time and sorry for writing so late

ANSWER: Sorry this response is so late, but I have been away from my computer.

Sugar Gliders each have their own personality, and bonding is different with each individual.  Genetics and life experience determine how tame a glider will be.  

This being said, the best time to begin bonding with a sugar glider is as soon as it comes out of the pouch.  It is a gradual process and the earlier the better. With an older glider, bonding will be fine if it is already used to humans.  If it has had bad experiences, then bonding will be more difficult.  Even a joey can be hard to bond with if it has been mistreated.

I would suggest meeting a potential pet glider in person to see its personality.   You will be able to see if it will bond easily by its reaction to you.  If the glider is curious but cautious, that is a good sign.  A little crabbing is okay, but you do not want one that bites.  

A four month old glider is just learning to eat solid foods.  He or she will probably not be ready for insects or other hard foods.  Stick with BML and other soft foods, and add in harder foods gradually.

I hope this helps.  Please keep in touch.


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QUESTION: thank you so much for your helpful information i now know to start at a young age for a better bonding experience but is taking a 4 month old Joey good or should you wait a little longer?

ANSWER: Joeys are ready to leave the family at about 8 weeks of age.  Can you go see them and get the chance to observe their behavior before you adopt them?

Good luck.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: no...that is the down side but i keep an update with the breeder on the mothers condition and i have had the chance to see the mother and she is very calm and sweet but how long do the joeys eat the bml formula?


It is a good sign that the mother is calm.  You shouldn't have much trouble bonding with the joey.

BML is essential to glider nutrition for their whole lives.  The other foods (fruits, veggies, protein, etc.) provide variety, interest, and additional nutrients, but the "main course" is BML.

Good luck, keep in touch,
