Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > dieing or sick sugar glider

dieing or sick sugar glider

22 15:54:30

Laurie,, I just had a suger glider die tonight and I am very upset after 2 years and now his brother is acting weird and I am scared something is wrong with him. He is going to the top of the cage and letting his head hang way back and I keep putting him back down and he just stares at the top of the cage with his head back and won't eat or drink.  Please help me if you can.  Jeremy

Dear Jeremy:

I am very sorry your first glider died.  That was probably the time to take your second glider in to the vet to be checked out. Your glider sounds like he is very very sick and needs an emergency vet attention ASAP.  I pray he is still alive when you receive this.  Sugar gliders crash very quickly.  They are not animals that can wait until morning for attention.  I have no idea why he won't eat or drink -- it could be so many things.  Your vet can take some diagnostic tests to find out the problem and may be able to save him.

Some problems could be:

1.  Too cold for them
2.  Ate or breathed something toxic (cleaners or insect sprays)
3.  Bacterial infection
4.  Toxic bite by insect

I will say a prayer that you are able to get this little boy to the vet in time to save him.
