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Sugar glider age

22 15:54:08

I recently got a second glider companion for my male,(another male).They get along fine,my question is how to tell how old this guy is? When does the bald spot start and when would it be bald? The spot was starting when I got him and was told 3-4 mos.oop??   He is very sweet but a fatty also,making him look older to me.I think he used to eat out of stress due to 9!! others he was with,and now he runs the wheel all night and plays alot with his friend ,so should he slim down too do you think?

Dear Robin:  

If you saw the bald spot when you got him he is likely about the age you were told he is, his hormone levels are probably just fluctuating if it disappeared.  He should be getting his bald spot in pretty soon.  However, you should really consider getting one or both of them neutered.  Adult males really don't do well once their hormones kick into full gear.  It may be okay for a while, but then they usually begin to have dominance issues and aggression issues that can lead to serious injuries and even death.  Once they are neutered, the bald spot will go away anyway.  Another nice result is that their odor will decrease.

Best of luck,
