Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > sugar glider rescue

sugar glider rescue

22 15:54:38

QUESTION: I am looking to rescue a glider in Maine I can't find anything. Do you know
where I
could look? please let me know

ANSWER: Dear Sara:

While sugar gliders are not illegal in Maine, there are restrictions.  Below is a quote with some contact information.  I have no idea how up to date this information is, but it is a starting point.  Better to find out the limitations before you acquire a sugar glider:

"You would need a Wildlife Propagator's license in order to own a sugar glider in the State of Maine.  If importing from out of state, you would also need a Wildlife Importation Permit.  There would be special cage/health requirements
for any species held in captivity in the State of Maine.  If you would like me to send you the necessary applications, please send me your full name and mailing address. If you have questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to contact me again at your convenience.
email address :
Wendy L. Bolduc
Information Center"

Quoted from

Best of luck.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi I already have a glider, and everything is fine..  I am just looking to adopt
another one and was wondering if you new of any other rescues thats all.
Thanks sara

I'm sorry Sara.  My research did not find an actual rescue organization in Maine.  You might try checking out some of your neighboring states.  You also might contact the local animal shelter and inquire as to whom they contact when they get a sugar glider in.  Perhaps they can point you in the right direction.  

Best of luck.