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Facial Lump

22 15:54:57

Hey thanks for taking time to read this. One of my gliders (female) has a hard bump on her face between her nose and her eye. It's pink (same as nose tissue)and appears to be right under where her whiskers are growing. Any ideas as to what it might be? It just popped up in the last 48 hrs and does not seem to be bothering her or changing her eating habits at all.  

Hi there.  You didn't mention the size of this lump, the age of your glider and whether she has a cagemate.  It could be any number of things from a bite from another glider, some sort of sebaceous cyst, tumor or an insect bite.  It is not uncommon for an abscess to start inside the mouth and manifest some sort of swelling or sore on the outside, but the fact that she is still eating leads me to believe that it is not causing her too much pain.  I'm sorry, but what you're describing is not something I have not seen before.  

I'm one of those err-on-the-side-of-caution people.  Because of the fact that it popped up so quickly, I would seek veterinary attention to rule out any infection or life threatening tumor.

I do hope the vet tells you it's nothing to worry about and wish you both the best.