Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Air Travel

Air Travel

22 15:44:57

Is it safe to take my sugar glider onto a plane for a short trip(less than 2 hour flight time)?  He would be secured in his bonding pouch and with me at all times.  I also would like to find out if the airlines would allow him on with me.  Thank you for your time.

Hello Lora :)

Being I do NOT have any experience with flying Sugar Gliders on an airplane I would HIGHLY suggest they you take the time to contact each airline in your area directly to find out what the provisions are for each specific airliner.

The aviation Industry is constantly changing their specifications as far as the transportation of animals are concerned.. for instance I recently acquired a new puppy in which the breeder had troubles getting a flight for her to my state.. even though he had just used the very same airline three days prior to fly out another puppy to another family.

Flying Sugar Gliders is a safe practice if done so correctly.. as many breeders do this.

So please ask ahead.. most likely the glider will be permitted to be with you (for a fee) you may be required to keep him/her in a small carrier specifically designed for rodents tho..

Please let me know what you find out.. I am sure my readers will find the information helpful for their future flying adventures.

Best of Luck

kadeN O_o