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fighting ! sugar gliders

22 15:53:03

I have 2 male and two female gliders . They all lived together  for awhile and them one day they started hurting the smallest female, She got a very bad cut on her head so I put her in a cage by herself and then last nigh after about 2 months one of my males cut a very ! large gash on the other females back now she is in a cage by her self . Can you tell me what is going on and what I can do about treating the cuts

Hello Debra,

Your situation is odd.  Normally two males can't live together peacefully.  It is likely that they were fighting over the females, but I don't understand why the females were the ones to be hurt.  

Are the two males getting along now?  Maybe you will need to have them stay together and have the females in a separate cage.  Sugar Gliders each have their individual personalities, so I really can't tell you what will work for your gliders.  I would suggest that tomorrow during the day, see if the two females will get along.  Don't leave them alone together until you feel comfortable that they won't harm one another.  Watch the males to ensure that they are getting along.  When the wound heals, you can see about getting them back together.  

Your best course of action would be to take her to a vet.  My advice should not take the place of a visit to a veterinarian. You could get some antibiotic cleanser and clean out the wound.  Use warm water and a Q-tip.  When it is clean, put on some antibiotic ointment like Bacitracin or Neosporin.  Watch the wound and be sure to go to a vet if it is not healing well.

Let me know how it goes.  Write again if you need help getting the females together.

I hope this helps.  Good luck!
