Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > mother and son mating

mother and son mating

22 15:51:30

Can a mother and son mate and if so, what can I expect?  I'm hoping they didn't get their groove on, but I think they may have.  I just got these little suckers and don't know much about them.  Thanks for your help.


A mother and son are capable of mating, but it is not recommended.  Inbreeding can lead to genetic birth defects and other problems.  How old is the male?  If they have already bred, you'll just have to wait and see what happens.  It is possible that the babies would be normal.  

If you plan to have the two live together, please have the male neutered asap.  

I hope this helps.    You may want to do some research.  Start with, and my website:

Good luck. Please keep in touch.
