Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > pill bugs in a sand habitat

pill bugs in a sand habitat

21 14:54:58

It was a hard decision for me to choose between a sand substrate and
coconut fiber substrate but i chose sand because i've used coconut fiber in
the past and been unhappy with it. That being said i haven't bought any crabs
yet but am slowly setting up a 20 gallon tank for them.  I read your blog about
using pill bugs and was stoked because i have always loved pill bugs but i
don't know if i could use them in a sand tank. What do you think? Thanks for
making such an excellent site. I appreciate it.

Could you create a rollie pollie haven with a small amount of EE? I think they would be fine either way as long as you leave them food, think bark and maple leaves. The need organic matter to eat.

:)  Thanks for the compliments on NC, much appreciated!