Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > Traveling


21 14:56:04

what the best way to transport Hermit crabs? Where I am it is winter, and I am traveling by bus to go home from school for 10 days. So I need to know the safes way to take my little ones with me. I have a cooler that they can go in, and will be keeping an eye on the temp in the cooler. there is also sand in it, is there any thing else they need in it? I was going to use paper towel so their water can still be in there with them. But any tips would help... I just hope for warm traveling weather for the little one.


Dear Trista,
thank you for your question.
A cooler is a good idea or a big styrofoam box with room for a kritter keeper (those little plastic boxes for transporting small animals).
The moist paper towels will also work very well and wil keep the humidity up. You can get those chemical handwarmers that wil keep warm for a few hours or heatpacks that stay warm for up to 24 hours. A hot water bottle is the easier solution, but it will cool off quicker, unless you have the chance to refill.
I hope I was of some help to you