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heating a crabitat

21 14:56:26

Hello, I emailed you a question a week or so ago, and you were so helpful.  Thank you.  
I am still preparing for first time crabs and I'm concerned about temperature.  I keep my house fairly cool.  (During the winter it ranges from 57-65.)  I have a hexagonal 50 gallon tank, which is taller than it is wide.  It has a normal fish aquarium top with a light.  So here's the question.  Should I find a heat bulb to put in the light fixture in the lid to go with a UTH?  If so, what kind of bulb and do they fit normal fish tank light fixtures?  And should I mount the UTH on the side or bottom?

You can do a couple of things. I would recommend getting a clamp light or two and putting a sunglo bulb in one and a moonglo one in the other.

If you are still having a problem with it holding heat, I would get some styrofoam insulation and tape it to the sides of the tank in the winter.

An under the tank heater also helps, make sure you place in on the bottom of the tank all the way to one side, usually the said away from the water dishes to create a zone of temperatures so your crabs can choose where to dig and hang out.

Try to make sure no crabs are dug down right when you install it and turn it on, a molting crab might not have the strength to move if it is too warm for them.