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What have I done wrong

21 14:51:22

While in gulf shores I bought a hermit crab. IDE say a little over being small sized and he never really came out so I read on the Internet that they like buddy's so before we left I bought a small hermit crab I kept them both in the one gallon carry cage thing made of plastic that they came in I give them the shredded bark looking food that it came with and I use bottled water for their sponges I replaced the colored pebbles for sand I found on the beach at gulf shores so when I made it back home about a week later I pick up my bigger hermit crab like I always do to check if they are alive but this time it would not move and was a little shaky in the shell I blew in the shell and everything I knew to get it to move but it didn't so I kinda grabbed it big pincher and pulled a little and it slid right out I don't know what I did wrong but I am scared the my small crab will die soon to please help

Tyler, I would recommend you get a ten gallon tank with a grated top. These guys dehydrate fast. They need saltwater bath available always to soak and replace electrolytes and minerals they need. They really do much better on sand. I think your problem here is habitat. They are extremely social ...I have a forty five with probably 30 in there...lots of stuff to climb....I am going to send you the best care sheet.....If you have anymore questions ask me. Good Luck, Tina