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Mold in my hermit crab cage

21 14:52:48

Hi. I've had a two crabs for several months now. Everything required to have in a crab cage is in mine. The only thing i don't have is a heater to keep the humidity and temperature balanced. Mold had appeared on some of the crab logs i had placed in their cage for my crabs to crawl on. Even after i would continuously clean the logs, mold keep reappearing. So, i switched the moldy climbing logs with new ones. A day or two later mold appeared again on my new logs at an amount i hadn't even seen on my old moldy logs. There was a great amount of it. i washed them again but of course it came back. I don't know what to do about the reappearing mold because i have no clue if it'll harm my hermit crabs or if i should spray the cage less, get a whole new cage, or get a heating patch or something. I'd really appreciate if you'd give me an answer on what to do about the mold in my hermit crab cage. Thanks!

Ah, a very common problem.

Scrub those things one more time with a stiff brush and soak them in double strength salt water. Then bake in the oven at 250 until dry. You can repeat if you want and dry in the sun if you want to be really thorough.

Change out your substrate. When you we the new, use at least half strength salt water. Keep a spray bottle with salt in it by the crabitat so that you can spritz the spots that cause likely trouble.

Also, if you are feeling really adventurous, you can get rollie pollie bugs for your crabitat to eat the mold.