Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > Shy Crab

Shy Crab

21 14:53:12

I got 2 Hermit crabs, and within 3 weeks 1 died. The other, still alive, is shy. I have tried methods like putting him on a paper towel that has been misted and putting my finger in front of him for a few days but he still has no response, like move or come out.... I know he's alive because i see him out sometimes and he moves, but he just does not come out! I am a first time crab owner and a little bit afraid of the crab (just because i am used to furry animals such as guinea pigs and cats.)! What can I do for his shyness and how to get rid of me being afraid?


You are doing everything right but some crabs are just very very shy. If he is a small crab, try placing him on the palm of your hand and blowing on him gently.

As for your fears, that will only come with practice and experience.

You'll get there!