Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > my hermit crab came out of its shell

my hermit crab came out of its shell

21 14:52:00

Hello today i woke up and my crab was out of its shell, and nothing is wrong with it it is still walking around all active but it is out of its shell. Why is it out of its shell and what should i do?Thank you please answer soon.

Try rinsing out his old shell and several new ones that are the appropriate size for your crabs, work the water way into the back of the shell, then place them opening up, inside your crabitat. If your crab doesn't move into one in 12 hours or so, give his abdomen a dip in the fresh water, place him butt end into a shell (preferably his former shell, it may not be the right size but we know he will wear it) and then tap him lightly on his armor plate (the hard part of shell behind his eyes.) That should trigger his withdraw reflex.