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New hermie

21 14:51:24

I got a new hermit crab and I tried to introduce the crab to my other crab and he got so mad and started moving his antenna from side to side. I even heard him chirping! What does that mean? I even think he was threating the new hermit by lifting his shell again. Like so high he was on his tippy toes. I tried getting a hermit crab that was full of energy so he could encougrage him to be more energetic as well but maybe the hermit crab just got annoyed or something. Also I gave them both baths before meeting eachother and that didn't do much. Im scared if I put them together then they'll rip eachother apart! What should I do??? And thanks for answering all my questions. They are very useful.

Allison,  Later it may be because they are happy but, right now it is because they are afraid and stressed. I would separate then for abit and set the enclosures next to each other until they get more settles. Introduce them slowly in a neutral area ...maybe on a towel on the floor or in the main habitat in small intervals. They should settle down. Good Luck, Tina