Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > Abonded Shell

Abonded Shell

21 14:57:16

Hello. I have 2 land hermit crabs. They both cam e out of their shells and wont go in a new one. The one lost 1 leg and the other lost two. Is this normal? The one doesnt move, eat, or drink. It just sits there, it has been like that for about 2 days. And i tried touching but it doesnt move at all. Is it dead? The other does move around but i dont think it has ate or drank anything the past day. Is there information you can tell me on this.
Please answer ASAP. I am very worried.

Thank you

Hello, When hermits go streaking they rarely go back to tehre shells so they die....there is something amiss with your setup if they are dry to hot to cold to wet not enough shells of assorted sizes extra extra The one in question is most likely already dead they dont last long once they come out and start wandering about.