Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > 1st timer!

1st timer!

21 14:55:15

Hello.  First time crab owner of a small crab. We keep our house very cool, but my main concern is how to keep the humidity/moisture in range. Temp seems to be okay now that we have moved it into the kitchen, but the other gage at times is really off. I would prefer to keep "Mr. Crabs" in the living area for all to see and have considered purchasing an underground heater. We have a plastic crabitat with aquarium gravel, so I'm not sure if a heater will work. I purchased our crab at a souvenir shop in South Padre Island for my daughter about 3 weeks ago. We are very excited with our new friend, but want to make sure we are doing everything correctly. Again, our main concern is the moisture availability.  Thank you.

Dear Dulce,

I suggest you get a heating lantern/light. They are these lights that give off heat that is needed for the hermit crab. Usually, for the hermit crab to be sure it gets all the heat it needs, you can get a hut or a big rock for the tank so the hermit crab can sit on top of it. I suggest you can a hut though, so your crab can sit on top of the hut, and sit inside of it. If you need a picture of this particular light, just send me a follow-up. Actually here are the links to make it easier for you!
and here is a light that is for reptiles and amphibians, but works just as well.
Just copy these links into your hyper link search engine bar, and you'll be at the page immediately! You can get these at Pet Smart, and probably even petco. Check your local pet store, and buy one of those. If your pet store sells lizards, bearded dragons, then they'll have these lights. I had hermit crabs myself, and so did my friend, so the lights work fabulously. You could also use a radiator or window, but it won't work, and could ultimately risk your crab, because sometimes particular crabs need more heat then others, so don't try it, you're better off with the light.

Thanks for choosing me as an expert, and I hope I helped with your crab friend, Mr. Crabs! Well, bye! If you need any further help, just feel free to e-mail me or ask another question! Bye!
