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Molted hermit crab

21 14:51:30

I have set my little sister up with a hermit crab tank. Today when i came over, she came to crying because she dug up her hermit crab and thought it had died because it fell out of its shell. What had happened was it had molted, but it hadn't finished and eaten the exo and stuff. I have read that they cant really function until they have eaten this and gained the nutrition and such they need... Should we just set it next to the exoskeleton and hope her other crab wont eat it? She has a small tank i was having her keep incase she needed to isolate them or something, Should we put it and the exoskeleton in there? Will it be ok after she disturbed it?

I have set up this tank based on what research I could do online, but would love to actually be able to ask someone who knows about them for advice!

Paige,   Tell your sister this is a normal process he or she is growing. Never dig them up. They are very soft and vulnerable at this point. If the molt is not complete she may pull a leg or something off with it. Which is ok it will grow back in about three or four molts but, we don't want the crabby or her to feel bad. Only leave the molt in a couple days its ok if the other crab feeds on it too. It is a high source of calcium and protein for them. Make sure there are plenty of shells in there. Since you already took it out don't put it back in next time leave it abit. If you have a couple in there I would go get at least a five gallon tank with a grated top and a low wattage under the tank heater. You are making sure they have their salt water baths so they can replace the electrolytes they need and fresh to drink. Oh and if she really wants to give them a treat try different blanched greens or abit of albacore tuna or different fruits.....never leave in more than twenty minutes as to not draw flies and cause a parasite infestation. They will love her for it. When she holds them up with her hand under just in case they drop out it happens don't drop it have towel in hand and they are hanging out of their shells practically and you can get a look behind their last set of legs if there is a black spot one on both sides these are gonapores and she is a girl. If you go to a craft store and buy a heavy twine and make like knotted net type thing and hang it on the back of the tank they will climb all over it. Too funny. That will make room for one or two more. Sounds like you guys are doing great. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask. Good Luck, Tina