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Hermit habitat

21 14:56:23

I actully have two questions. First is can I put my crabs in a small plastic kidie pool? With out any problems? (its for the extra room thats why and it will be inside my house) Second is can I have a small plastic tub filled with brackish water and other small crabs? (it does have branches sticking out and a slope of sand so the other crabs can get out for air) I read that most experts let there crabs bath them selfs so no stress is added. I just want to know can this be possible and that the brackisk water wont hurt them?

For a short amount of time they can go in a kiddie pool, make sure the room temperature is ok for them.

It is reccomended that land hermit crabs not be kept with other animals.

Some crabbers do not bathe their crabs, you are right. Yet there are some that do and it's a personal preference issue. You can offer the water to them and see how they do with it. I'm sure they come in contact with brackish water in the wild.