Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > 1 little guy died in 1 day!!

1 little guy died in 1 day!!

21 14:54:43

I have 2 hermit crabs and i wanted another, so yesterday i got one. But, 3 hours later, i found the new hermit's leg on the floor of their cage! Then, today, i found all his legs on the floor, gone.
What happened? why did he die so early?
everything was at normal temp, like it's suppose too.

Sorry about your hermit crab passing away.

Many times new hermit crabs die from PPS(post purchse stress). Even when our crabitat is in perfect conditions the crab may still pass.Hermit crabs are easily stressed, and from when they are taken from the wild to the store they are not always in a good environment.

If you'd like more information on PPS or any other hermit crab questions you may have, feel free to visit this website.