Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > i dont know if its dead.

i dont know if its dead.

21 14:56:54

I brought my daughters class hermit crabs (2) home for the weekend.  Saturday morning it was out of its shell on the sponge.  I got it a new shell, but now Sunday it isn't moving.  It just kind of curled up and i don't know what to do. I'm afraid if it's not dead that i should put it in its own cage. please help

thank you for your question.
A dead crab starts to smell of rotting fish. This is actually the best way to tell if a crab is really dead, even though it is a bit gross.
Crabs that leave their shell and don't move into a new one soon are usually sick and most of them die soon. There's not much you can do except leaving the crab alone as much as possible and keeping the humidity high (80%). Here are some crab care websites that have excellent information:

I hope I was of some help to you