Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > can i have only one Hermit Crab?

can i have only one Hermit Crab?

21 14:58:17

I am very interested in getting a Hermit Crab, i have the permison from my parents to get one but i was hoping to only get one. Is there any risks i am taking only getting one? and will this offect my Hermit Crabs personality or anything like that?


In the wild hermit crabs live in colonies in the hundreds. It is not suggested to get just one. I would suggest atleast 2 and make sure they are the same species.

I'd also recommend that you purchase everything you need before getting your hermit crabs. There are a few good websites that offer advice on the necessary items.

Please check out  and

Another suggested idea is to look at the Adoptions section on the Crab Street Journal site and see if you can adopt hermit crabs instead of purchasing them at a store.

Thank you,