Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hermit Crabs > Did I kill it?

Did I kill it?

21 14:51:48

My son and I just bought another hermit crab for a social partner for our other hermit crab.  Anyway, I gave it a bath today and it loved it, but when it came out of it shell it did not go back into it.  Now the crab is still out of its shell and it is curled up (3 hours) and it is not moving at all, even when I touch it...what is wrong?  Did I kill it?

Was the bath water dechlorinated? What was the temperature. Crabs do not general like bathing and people often mistake signs of distress as signs of activity. The better solution is to have deep enough pools in your tank to allow the crab to bath themselves. Chlorine will burn a crabs gills and often lead them to be destressed. What is the humidity and temperature in your tank?